Mercoledì 30 Novembre 2016 University of Malta IEEE Xplore Training & IEEE Authorship Workshop

Mercoledì 30 Novembre 2016 ore 12.00-14.00  si terrà presso l’Università di Malta - IT Services Computer Lab un training su IEEE Xplore e su come pubblicare con IEEE.

Workshop tenuto da Eszter Lukacs, Client Services Manager from IEEE sui seguenti temi:

§  Getting started with IEEE Xplore

§  Searching techniques for IEEE Xplore content which comprises an overall 4 million documents, 179 of them are peer-reviewed journals, over 1,400 conference proceedings, more than 3,400 technical standards, over 400 ebooks and 200 educational courses.

§  IEEE Standards and Specifications

§  Patents

§  How to get published with IEEE aimed at masters and PhD candidates

Per registrarsi all’evento inviare una mail a : o chiamando ( Malta) 2340 2541